Welcome, Families!

Whether you're here because your student is receiving tutoring from one of our tutors, or you're looking for resources to support your student at home, we've got you covered! Reading and math are the building blocks to academic success and we're working hard to help students build those skills early on.

Check out our Videos and Frequently Asked Questions below and know if you still have questions, we're here for you and your student!

Videos for Families

If you are curious about what interventions with our tutors look like, or how you can practice with your student at home, view the videos below!

Letter Sound Correspondence

Information about Phonics

Phonics is the understanding that there are systematic predictable relationships between written letters and the sounds they make. For example, the letter “s” makes the “sssss” sound.

When students look at a letter and say the most common sound that letter makes, they are practicing the alphabetic principle, pairing letters with their sounds. This skill is essential to being able to decode (or sound out) written words.

When shown a letter, a student should be able to say the sound of the letter in less than three seconds. This means they can identify letter sounds automatically or fluently. Being fluent with letter sounds is helpful or moving to the next stage of phonics, being able to decode simple words.

Sound Awareness

Information about Phonemic Awareness

Phonemic awareness is the ability to notice and change the smallest units of sound in spoken language. These smallest units of sound are called phonemes. For example, the word “hat” has three phonemes. Close your eyes and say each one separately.



1st phoneme 2nd phoneme 3rd phoneme

Phonemic awareness is an excellent early predictor of success for young readers. It is a listening skill that can be done with your eyes closed. Basic phonemic awareness skills include blending (putting together), segmenting (breaking apart), deleting (taking out), and substituting (replacing) phonemes in words.

Blending Words

Information about Decoding

Decoding is the ability to apply knowledge of letter-sound relationships to pronounce written words. Beginning readers start decoding one syllable words like, “hat,” by reading each sound in the word then blending the sounds together. It can be helpful for students to use their index finger and put it under each letter as they blend the sounds together and read the word.

By practicing saying the sound, sound, sound, then blending the word, students gain automaticity. Just like it’s important to be able to say letter sounds automatically and fluently, it’s also important to be able to blend sounds quickly. The more automatic students are with saying letter sounds, the more quickly they will be able to blend sounds into words as they are reading.

Duet Reading

Information about Fluency

Fluency is the ability to read text with appropriate rate, accuracy, and expression.

Rate means not reading too slow or too fast
Accuracy means reading words correctly
Expression means reading like you are speaking or telling a story very smoothly

Fluency is important because it is the bridge between decoding words (phonics) and comprehending (understanding) the text that’s being read. When students can decode words fluently, it frees up brain space to focus more on comprehension or what they are reading about.

During tutoring, students read connected text. Connected text means words that are linked by sentences, phrases, and paragraphs. Students in Reading Corps practice reading text at their independent level. The independent level means the passages or stories that the student can read with about 95% accuracy (about 1 error for every 20 words read).

Fluency is critical to proficient reading. Reading with fluency helps students to concentrate on what the words mean instead of using their energy trying to figure out what the words are. When students practice reading text accurately multiple times, they improve their fluency skills by increasing their rate, accuracy, and expression. Reading with fluency sounds smooth. A student who is reading with fluency reads in phrases, uses expression, and sounds like they are speaking or telling a story.

Students in Reading Corps practice the different components of fluency by reading and rereading stories, hearing words modeled or demonstrated for them, and receiving specific praise and encouragement to continue improving their reading skills.

Alliteration Chant

Let’s sing a song about ‘Alliteration,’ this supports our children in learning this important skill of beginning sounds.

Emotional Literacy Song

Let’s sing a song about our Feelings, and then have a conversation about how everyone is feeling today!

Swishy Swimming Seahorse

Hey families! Would you like to teach your children about letters, numbers, or even shapes? This song is a fun way to do just that!

Family FAQs

How was my child selected for Reading Corps, Math Corps, Early Learning Corps?

We work closely with your school staff to measure grade level reading and math skills against benchmark assessments. Any child who scores below the grade level target is eligible to receive Reading Corps or Math Corps services.


What do tutoring sessions look like? What happens?

Trained tutors practice foundational literacy and math skill building with students in small groups or one-on-one. This could be extra practice reading passages or extra practice understanding math concepts using hands-on tools.

What skills are important for my child’s age?

While skills can vary based on age, most schools use the Common Core standards as a measure of a child’s academic progress. 

Who will be tutoring my child?

Reading Corps, Math Corps, and Early Learning Corps work with members of your community to train them in an evidence-based approach to tutoring. Tutors have a team of people to support them and your student(s) — including an internal coach, coaching specialist and teachers. Our tutors are committed to helping your student(s) get to grade-level and beyond!

How will I know how my child is doing?

Tutors work closely with Internal Coaches and teachers to make sure that your child is working on skills that transfer into the classroom. Your child’s Internal Coach is the best point of contact for status updates.

What does it mean that my child is reading below grade level? (Math below grade level?)

If your child is scoring below target on grade-level assessments, they may benefit from additional practice to build the skills they are learning with their classroom teacher. Some kids just need a little bit of extra practice with a skilled adult to make significant gains!

How long will my child receive tutoring?

Students will receive support from a tutor until they are consistently meeting grade level targets and parents can choose to opt out of services at any time.

Will my family be charged a fee for tutoring?

No. There is never a fee for families receiving tutoring through Reading Corps, Math Corps, and Early Learning Corps.

Why is reading so important?

Until third grade a lot of instructional time is devoted to helping students learn to read. After third grade, students need to use their reading skills to continue learning. Reading acts as the foundation for all other learning.

Why is math so important?

Math tends to be a predictor of future academic success. Some studies suggest that students who are proficient in math at an early age are more likely to succeed in secondary education. Learning math early helps students not only with math but with their general learning skills.

Looking to get your child extra help?

Your school is your best resource! Speak with your child’s teachers to see if Reading Corps, Math Corps and Early Learning Corps are available in your school. If our programs aren’t available in your school, your teachers and administrators will be able to connect you with programs and resources that can help you get support for your child.

Supporting what your child is learning is the best way to help them do better. Practice at home and in your everyday life. Watch the videos above for examples on specific skills that you can work on with them. 


“People in the university, people in the school district, and my Reading Corps supervisors were all very supportive. I would recommend it – I think it’s a really fabulous first step to being a teacher.”

“I was as prepared as I possibly could have been: I had all of that time in the classroom, working with kids, practicing those skills, and building those relationships. There’s no perfect way to get into teaching, but this is probably as good as it gets.”

“Seeing my students’ confidence grow from when I walked through the door to the end of the school year was truly incredible.”

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